Dynamic Song Performance Tips re Vocal Microphone Techniques

Singers: Your audience wants to see your lipsVocal Microphone TechniquesBy Song Performance Coach Pepper Jay Key: Don’t pop your consonants into the microphone.If your microphone is too close, the audience will hear the popping noises of your consonants. Consonants are the English letters: b, c, d, f, g, h (sometimes), j, k, l, m, m,…

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Vocal Performance Tips by Performance Coach Pepper Jay

Vocal Performance Tips by Performance Coach Pepper Jay Singers: Take Care of Your Best Asset … Your Voice!Take care of your voice. Your voice should never hurt. Going on tour? Working in a nightclub? Are you required to perform 4-6 times per week in a musical? Regardless if your genre, if your throat hurts from…

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Build the Song – Take your audience on a journey

Build the Song Key: Take your audience on a journey.Just as a story leads a reader on a journey from beginning to middle to end, your song should escort your audience on a similar journey. Each portion of your song must guide your audience to a higher or different level than the previous portion. First,…

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Singing Enunciation Brings Passion to the Lyrics

How to make your performance Look Real with Strong Enunciation Singing Enunciation Brings Passion to the Lyrics Singing Enunciation is the art of clearly and concisely pronouncing the lyrics as you sing. Excellent enunciation breathes your songs to life and conveys lyrics’ passion. Clever use of strong enunciation heightens every emotion; love, lust, sadness, anger.…

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Speak Your Lyrics Differently to make performance look real

How to make your performance Look Real by Speaking Your Lyrics Differently Speak The Words Differently Exercise: Practice speaking the lyrics as a different person or with a different accent. For example, if you are 22, speak the words as an 80 year old, as a 5 year old, as a minister, as a gang…

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Speak Your Lyrics to make performance look real with Pepper Jay

How to Make your Performance Look Real by Speaking Your Lyrics Speak The Words Exercise: Practice speaking the lyrics instead of singing the lyrics. What is the meaning of each lyrical phrase? How would that phrase sound if you were saying those words for real? For purposes of this exercise, be careful not to speak…

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Internalize to make performance look real

How to Make your Performance Look Real by Internalizing the Lyrics. Internalize: Give yourself a few seconds to ponder on the meaning of the lyrics. For example, Willie Nelson’s lyrics, “Crazy, I’m crazy for feeling so lonely …” could invoke a variety of thoughts. When Patsy Cline sings “Crazy,” we can feel the yearning in…

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How to make performance look real – Part 1 – What you think shows!

Welcome back to Dynamic Song Performance.How to make your performance Look Real – Part 1 What you think about shows on your face. So Think: Think about the lyrics before you sing them. This can be easily accomplished during the introduction of the song and during an instrumental. But, with practice, it can be quickly…

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Give your audience personal attention

Hi! Welcome back to Dynamic Song Performance. In this segment, we explore Personal Attention, the Key to Inter-Audience Bonding. When you give one audience member positive & complete personal attention it can result in a gift to your entire audience. Personal attention given to an audience member is the most important audience psychology hint because…

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Intra-audience Bond of Appreciation

Welcome back to Dynamic Song Performance, by song performance coach, Pepper Jay.In this segment, we explore the Importance of an Intra-Audience Bond of Appreciation Key: It’s you and them. The moment someone becomes a “member” of an audience, no matter how large or small the venue, the potential for an invisible “audience bond” is created.…

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