Multiple Intelligences – Are you Nature Smart?
Solara Speaks – Power ThoughtsMultiple Intelligences Are you Nature Smart?Special Guest: Stuntman and Martial Artist Leo Fong Naturalist: To understand the natural world including plants, animals and scientific studies. To recognize and classify individuals, species and ecological relationships. To interact effectively with living creatures and discern patterns of life and natural forces. Animal Care: skill…
Read MoreMultiple Intelligences – Interpersonal: To think about and understand another person
Solara Speaks – Power ThoughtsEpisode 6Interpersonal: To think about and understand another person.Special Guest: Bob Wall (“Enter the Dragon”) MI theory helps us all to appreciate that there is more to being smart than what shows up on an IQ test or “book smarts”. Welcome back to Solara Speaks: Power Thoughts, inspired by Dr. C.…
Read MoreMultiple Intelligences: Are you word smart?
Welcome back to Solara Speaks with Solara Key: Power ThoughtsEpisode 5 – Word SmartGuest: Pepper Jay Power Thoughts was inspired by Dr. C. Branton Shearer of the Multiple Intelligences Research and Consulting in Ohio. Dr. Shearer’s theory is based upon the work of Howard Gardner of Harvard University. Dr. Shearer describes 8 types of Intelligence.…
Read MoreMultiple Intelligences: Are you Spatial Smart?
Solara Speaks – Power ThoughtsMultiple Intelligences MI theory helps us all to appreciate that there is more to being smart than what shows up on an IQ test or “book smarts”. Multiple IntelligencesEpisode 4Spatial Smart: To think in pictures and to perceive the visual world.With special guest: Matt Mullins Welcome back to Solara Speaks: Power…
Read MoreMultiple Intelligences: Are you logical?
Solara Speaks – Power Thoughts Multiple IntelligencesEpisode 3: Math or Logic Smart!Special guest: Yi Tian Multiple Intelligences Logical-Mathematical: To think of cause and effect connections and to understand relationships among actions, objects or ideas. To calculate, quantify or consider propositions and perform complex mathematical or logical operations. It involves inductive and deductive reasoning skills as…
Read MoreMultiple Intelligences: Music Smart
Solara Speaks – Power Thoughts Multiple IntelligencesEpisode 1: Music Smart!Guest: Danika Quinn MI theory helps us all to appreciate that there is more to being smart than what shows up on an IQ test or “book smarts”. Episode 1: Music Smart: To think in sounds, rhythms, melodies and rhymes A theory of multiple intelligences was…
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