Multiple Intelligences – Are you Nature Smart?
Solara Speaks – Power Thoughts
Multiple Intelligences
Are you Nature Smart?
Special Guest: Stuntman and Martial Artist Leo Fong

Naturalist: To understand the natural world including plants, animals and scientific studies.
To recognize and classify individuals, species and ecological relationships. To interact effectively with living creatures and discern patterns of life and natural forces.
Animal Care: skill for understanding animal behavior, needs, characteristics
Plant Care: ability to work with plants, i.e., gardening, farming and horticulture.
Welcome back to Solara Speaks: Power Thoughts, inspired by Dr. C. Branton Shearer of the Multiple Intelligences Research and Consulting in Ohio. Dr. Shearer’s theory is based upon the work of Howard Gardner of Harvard University.
According to Dr. Shearer, there are 8 types of Intelligence. Today, we will briefly explore one type of intelligence: Naturalist or Nature Smart, with our guest , Methodist Minister, Martial Artist, Fitness Coach, and Filmmaker, Leo T. Fong
Stay brainy!
Multiple Intelligences is a column on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.