Championship Networking Tip – Manage Your Waiting

Welcome back to Championship Networking by Eric Shaw. Eric teaches us how to prepare for a networking opportunity. There are six steps to prepare for a mixer or social event. Follow these requirements as much as you can, whenever logistically possible. Number 1: Know who will attend. At our All Cities Resource Group, we know…

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Championship Networking Tip – Always Wear Name Tags on the Right

Always Wear Name Tags on the Right Hi! Welcome back to Championship Networking by Eric Shaw. I’m Christie Philips of the Actors Reporter. Today, Eric teaches us that, if you attend an event that requires name tags, always wear them on the right. In America, when we make someone’s acquaintance for the first time, typically…

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Championship Networking Tip – Hone Your Introduction

An important networking tip is to improve our introduction to others. The networking guru, Eric Shaw, calls it your elevator speech; your introduction, which includes your name, your business or profession, and a “hook,” something that might bring interest to the conversation or something the other person could relate to. Let’s pretend that 45 seconds…

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Championship Networking Tip – Judge the picture, not the frame

Judge The Picture, Not The Frame As you meet new people, focus on their names, the names of their companies, and what they tell you they do. In entertainment business related activities, don’t make the mistake of judging people dress, what they look like, or their jewelry. Unless you’re casting an actor for a part,…

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Championship Networking Tip – Choose your Prospects

Choose Your Prospects Going to a meeting? Attending a seminar? Enrolled in a workshop? Why not stand near the entrance and meet the right people as they enter the room. Hi! I’m Christie Philips of the Actors Reporter. Welcome to Championship Networking by networking guru, Eric Shaw. Today, Eric reminds us that we should place…

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Championship Networking Tip – Be Early and Step Up!

Be Early and Step Up! Eric Shaw is a Green Bay Packers fan.  Eric reminds us that Vince Lombardi used to say if you’re not 10 minutes early, you’re late.  For those of us who live in L.A., it’s imperative to leave in plenty of time in order to arrive early. When networking, it’s particularly…

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Championship Networking Tip – Let others know about your special talents.

Championship Networking by Eric ShawYour Host Christie Philips Speak Up! If we don’t say something … no one will know. We should let others know about our special talents. Not everything in the game of the “business” should remain confidential. It’s called the entertainment “business” or the entertainment “industry” for a reason. No matter what…

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Championship Networking Tip – Create Hooks!

Eric Shaw’s networking tip: Create Hooks! When you attend a networking function, organized or otherwise, don’t be afraid to share a personal tidbit or two. In other words, consciously extend a personal hook for others to latch onto. Personal hooks are like seeds, once planted, they take root. When choosing someone to work with, wouldn’t…

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Championship Networking Tip – Treat Everyone as Your Equal

In entertainment networking circles, try treating everyone as your equal, whether a casting director, actor, or a grip.Body: Eric Shaw’s networking tip this video article: Treat everyone as your equal. In the acting world, someone may be an “extra” on a set today and next year the director of an independent film you would die…

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Championship Networking Tip – The Way You Do Anything Is The Way You Do Everything

Hi! I’m Christie Philips, actor, karate instructor, and female world grappling champion. In the entertainment industry, it’s often “who we know” as well as “what we know.” Networking skills should help. What is networking? Eric Shaw defines networking as “The interaction of an extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who remain in…

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