Championship Networking Tip – Let others know about your special talents.

Championship Networking by Eric Shaw
Your Host Christie Philips

Speak Up! If we don’t say something … no one will know.

We should let others know about our special talents. Not everything in the game of the “business” should remain confidential.

It’s called the entertainment “business” or the entertainment “industry” for a reason. No matter what part of the industry we find ourselves in, whether actor, agent, producer, or gaffer … it’s business. It’s how we make our living. It’s who we know and who knows us and our work.

Our fellow actors, directors, writers are potentially our front office, and we are theirs. If a Producer you know is looking for a talented certain someone, you can look into your front office and remember that actor who would be a perfect match to recommend for an audition.

The only problem is your front office has to be educated as to what you do. We should educate as many people as possible about what we do, so they can help us. And, so we can help them.

If we don’t speak up, how will they know what we’re looking for?


101 steps everyone should master in order to become a Champion Networker. Practice these steps daily and they will eventually become reflex, both in business and in daily life. Refer to them whenever necessary; employ them with reliability. [Order]

And, remember: The Way We Do Anything Is The Way We Do Everything.

Championship Networking is a column on Actors Reporter, a site on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.