Career Transition for Dancers

Career Transition for Dancers Whether you’re an actor, dancer or any type of performer, we all face similar situations in our careers. With the economic climate in a constant state of flux, Career Transitions For Dancers: The connection to your future, hosted its first ever career development conference called “Stepping Into Hope and Change”. It…

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Good Management Helps Create Image by song performance coach Pepper Jay

One of the most essential assets a professional singer must have in this industry is good representation. While a great responsibility lies on you, the performer, a good manager can be invaluable. An attentive manager will help you select your singing style and guide you through additional career image questions. How can clothes, hair-style, and…

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Audition Hell: Limbo

THE SEVEN LEVELS OF AUDITION HELLLevel Seven: LimboBy Elias Stimac Anyone who has ever auditioned, interviewed, or been tested for any job has probably thought this at least one time – could I have done anything differently, could I have varied my approach, could I have been better? It is inevitable that you are going…

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Audition Hell: Level Six – Parting Shots

THE SEVEN LEVELS OF AUDITION HELLLevel Six: Parting ShotsWith your host, Dan Woren Lets say you make it through the actual audition. It’s not over yet! The director or casting person may have a few questions for you, they may want to hear another scene or selection, or they may request that you stick around…

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Audition Hell: Shake, Rattle and Roll

There are other pitfalls that await you as an auditionee. You can be too loud (“You don’t have to shout, we’re three feet away from you.”) You can be too soft (“Sing out, Louise!”). You can shuffle and stammer and sweat your way through the material. You can lose your place in your sides, you…

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Audition Hell: Forgetting Something?

THE SEVEN LEVELS OF AUDITION HELL Level Four: Forgetting Something? The symptoms are all there as you stand in front of the “hiring line” – sweaty palms, trickle of sweat on your forehead, complete and utter memory loss over what it is you are there to do. Questions whisk through your consciousness: Where am I?…

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Audition Hell: First and Worst Impressions

THE SEVEN LEVELS OF AUDITION HELL Level Three: First and Worst Impressions So you’re in the waiting room and you finally hear your name called – you can respond with a sigh of relief or a look of panic. The first response is preferable. Grab your headshot and resume (which you remembered to bring this…

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Audition Hell: Late, Rushed, Flustered – audition tips by Elias Stimac

THE SEVEN LEVELS OF AUDITION HELLLevel Two: Late, Rushed, Flustered All of those elements are heightened to the nth degree when you are running late for your audition or call time. Regardless the reason why you’re late, you’re probably already nervous and it’s made worse when you are racing to be on time. What should…

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Pre-Audition Jitters

THE SEVEN LEVELS OF AUDITION HELLLevel One: Pre-Audition Jitters Your heart is beating quicker than normal. It may be from the five flights of stairs you just had to climb to get to the audition venue. But most likely it’s because in a very short period of time (or long period of time if you’re…

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How to Turn Performance Anxiety into Heavenly Experience

THE SEVEN LEVELS OF AUDITION HELL Intro: Learning How to Turn Performance Anxiety Into a Heavenly Experience For the next several issues, we will be exploring the 7 levels of Audition Hell.There is no easy way to perfect the art of the audition. Unlike acting, singing, dancing, or any other skill that one can master…

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