Insight Into Print Advertising

The Inside Scoop on Print Advertising. Actors, this is something you might want to look into for some extra cash! What is print advertising? In print advertising, generally the photo is of the model and the product; the model with a car, orange juice, or maybe in a real estate development. But, here’s the key:…

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Getting good photos don’t have to cost a fortune

Welcome back to Being Beautiful Inside & Out by actor and model Ann Marie Crouch. In this video article, Ann Marie shares with us how to submit your photos to a modeling or acting agent without spending a fortune. Many times aspiring actors and models spend a lot of money on photo shoots to have…

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Have fun while staying fit

Have fun while staying fit.Hi! I’m Nina Fehren. Welcome to Being Beautiful Inside & Out by actor and model Ann Marie Crouch. Yes, we’re talking about exercise!! For some people, finding the time to exercise is effortless and fun. For others, it takes a lot of effort to find the time. But exercise is always…

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