It’s not what you get, it’s what you give

Do you have people in your life that you’ve bonded with at some strange level though you don’t know them very well? Keep them. One of Lizzie Maxwell’s was her dermatologist, Dr. Zacarian, from Massachusetts. While she hadn’t seen him for a few years, they kept in touch. Dr. Z was always interested in her…

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Union vs. Non-Union

Little Fish in a Big Pond 13 – Union vs. Non Union Getting into the union, as you probably know by now, is a Catch 22. You have to book a job to get you into the union and you have to be in the union to book a job. How do you work around…

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Building Your Contacts

UNION VS. NON-UNION Welcome back to “Little Fish in a Big Pond,” by Lizzie Maxwell. Today’s “Little Fish” article is about union verses non-union. Getting into the Union, as you probably know by now, is a Catch 22. you have to book a job to get in the union and you have to be in…

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Building Your Contacts

BUILDING YOUR CONTACTS You probably came to town with a few contacts. A friend of your aunt’s neighbor is a casting director or your doctor knows someone who knows someone. Throughout the years Lizzie Maxwell has made quite a few contacts. She doesn’t like to put anyone on the spot so she just sends out…

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Developing Your Own Style

DEVELOPING YOUR OWN STYLE In the acting world, you not only going to need to find out who you are as an actor, but also who you are as a person. Your style includes, most importantly, your essence. Your essence is the thing that makes you special. It is your nature, your energy, your karma.…

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Developing Your Own Style

DEVELOPING YOUR OWN STYLE In the acting world, you not only going to need to find out who you are as an actor, but also who you are as a person. Your style includes, most importantly, your essence. Your essence is the thing that makes you special. It is your nature, your energy, your karma.…

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Actors’ Time Management is Important

TIME MANAGEMENT Hi! Welcome back to “Little Fish in a Big Pond,” by Lizzie Maxwell. Today’s “Little Fish” article is about our “Time Management” So many actors waste so much time for reasons unknown. A serious actor will do something every day for his career. He or she will be out there pounding the pavement,…

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Demo Reels are an actors business card.

Welcome back to “Little Fish in a Big Pond,” by Lizzie Maxwell. Today’s “Little Fish” article is about our “Demo Reels” Lizzie asked Christina Johns, a videotape editor and producer, a few questions about actors and demo reels. What she does? Actors bring her tapes of their performances on various T.V. shows and films. They…

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Rules for good head shots

“How to present yourself for photos” The first rule for good head shots is to make sure our head shots look like us. The second rule is to make sure you can duplicate your hair style and make up that matches your head shot. Many photographers will offer makeup. Make sure that the person doing…

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