Rules for good head shots

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“How to present yourself for photos”

The first rule for good head shots is to make sure our head shots look like us. The second rule is to make sure you can duplicate your hair style and make up that matches your head shot.

Many photographers will offer makeup. Make sure that the person doing your make up knows what you are trying to portray in the shoot. Ask for makeup that you can put on yourself for an audition. Don’t have your hair up in a beehive hairdo if you can’t duplicate that hair style for the audition.

Before you take your headshots, get yourself a hairdo that you can live with. Spend the money, if only once, for a stylist who can give you your “signature” look. Take a class in makeup or have someone do a makeover on you. Experiment until you find the right makeup for you and makeup that you can put on yourself for auditions. Men, don’t forget to cover the dark circles under your eyes!

Your hair and makeup should help you feel as good as you can about yourself. There’s a lot of rejection heading your way. So, it’s important to maintain a good sense of self.

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