Championship Networking Tip – Broaden Your Scope

Attend as many follow-up networking events as possible. You must continue to be noticed by those in influence. Charity events are particularly advantageous. Broaden your scope and your visibility, by getting your butt out of the office. Host speaking engagements focusing on your particular speciality and invite everyone in your database if you have to.…

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Championship Networking Tip – Accept Accountability

If you can’t be accountable, then you can’t do business. Period. There is frankly nothing more disturbing than to refer a deal to someone who ultimately proves unaccountable. An excuse is just another reason for failure. The definition of an excuse is to defend a broken commitment. Too many excuses and you have now been…

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Championship Networking Tip – Record Information

Networking Tip: Record Information He who counts on his memory has a fool for a filing system. Memory is unreliable. Take copious notes following every meeting or during, if practical. Key in on your contact’s interests, business, personality, and sense of humor. Scribble information on the back of the contact’s business card at your earliest…

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Championship Networking Tip – Maintain Your Networking Muscle

Maintain your networking muscle to yield extraordinary payoffs. You have learned many networking skills and, hopefully, you have implemented them. To be a good networker, make sure you follow-up on all the skills you’ve learned. Make no mistake. Effective follow-up may well be considered the toughest part of the entire learning to network endeavor. Practicing…

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Championship Networking Tip – Walk an Elephant Back to His Car

Christie Philips (model, actress, and world grappling champion) shares helpful networking tips from Eric Shaw’s book, “Championship Networking.” Whenever logistically possible, try to walk the keynote speaker, host or most important people in the room back to their car. Why not? If they express to you that they do not need an escort, thank them…

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Championship Networking Tip – Four Ways to Terminate a Boring Conversation

Four Ways to Terminate a Boring Conversation: 1.“Where are the hors d’oeuvres?”2.“I need the rest room.”3.Introduce that person to another person.4.Drop the glass. Eric Shaw is the founder of All Cities Network, a California based business networking organization.For more information, please visit All Cities And, remember, the way you do anything is the way you…

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