Hi, I’m Marta – Inspiration for Actors – Find Balance

Inspiration for Actors Marta McGonagle has been working on feeling balanced. Balancing her life. One must find balance in order to have everything you want and need without going crazy. It is difficult for a woman to find balance today when we’re still supposed to be women, look good, have a career, take care of…

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Hi, I’m Marta – Inspiration for Actors – Accomplishment

Marta McGonagle has come a long way since the last time she’s appeared on the show. After dipping her toes into her first directorial project, Marta has come back to share with us some motivational tips on how to go forward in accomplishing a project against all odds. Two years ago, Marta started a project…

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Inspiration for Actors – Turn Disappointment into Validation

Inspiration for Actors – Turn Disappointment into Validation To live in the now is something that I have to work on everyday. Usually, I set goals, priorities, to do lists, preparing for tomorrow. We are taught how to give our life structure and how to move forward. Moving forward to what? To a goal; for…

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Inspiration for Actors – Living in the Now

Inspiration for Actors – Living in the NowTo live in the now is something that I have to work on everyday. Usually, I set goals, priorities, to do lists, preparing for tomorrow. We are taught how to give our life structure and how to move forward. Moving forward to what? To a goal; for something…

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Hi, I’m Marta: Booking Work Provides Actors With Validation

Hi, I’m Marta Booking Work Provides Actors With Validation Have auditions slowed down some? Fewer chances to book work as an actor? Missing the validation of being an actor by receiving payments for work completed? Perhaps its time for actors to get creative and create their own opportunities and create their own sources of validation.Re-think…

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Hi, I’m Marta Accountability It’s important for an actor to be accountable, especially when it comes to arriving on time. When attending auditions or other appointments, make sure you allow time for traffic and parking, because in the entertainment business if you’re on time you’re late, and if you’re late you’re fired! So be sure…

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I Am

Hi, I’m MartaI AmInstead of I’m going to do this and I want to do that and I wish I could be … why not start right now … this minute with: I Am. Just do it. Just be! Hi, I’m Marta exhibits Marta’s determination and spirit of heart in order to live her dreams…

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Pick Yourself Up When You Fall

Hi, I’m Marta Pick Yourself Up When You FallBe PositiveIn and among all of her successes, Marta McGonagle shares her experience of let down in Hollywood and how she picks herself up when she falls. Hi, I’m Marta exhibits Marta’s determination and spirit of heart in order to live her dreams and so that you…

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The Four Agreements

Hi, I’m Marta host, Marta McGonagle, shares insights from one of her favorite books, “The Four Agreements … the Practical Side to Personal Freedom,” by don-Miguel Ruiz. The Four Agreements are: Always do your best. Don’t assume anything. Keep your word. Don’t take anything personal.  Return to main category

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