Inspiration for Actors – Turn Disappointment into Validation

Inspiration for Actors – Turn Disappointment into Validation

To live in the now is something that I have to work on everyday. Usually, I set goals, priorities, to do lists, preparing for tomorrow. We are taught how to give our life structure and how to move forward. Moving forward to what? To a goal; for something to accomplish. However, as I’ve moved forward toward my goals, I’ve had the tendency to forget about today.
Unless we’re series regulars, actors live from role to role. During this time, we audition and book some of the jobs, get call backs but don’t book others or never hear back from the casting directors. Result can be disappointment. However, if we remember to re-validate ourselves … to turn our disappointment into validation … we will enjoy our careers more. Although I have been blessed to book some wonderful roles, I’m learning to turn the disappointment of not booking others into a re-validation of myself. I wish the same for you.

By Marta McGonagle, the romantic comedy darling!

Hi, I’m Marta is a show on Actors Reporter, a site on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.