Writer Director Eric Shapiro and Julie-Kathleen Langan on ActorsE Chat

Eric Shapiro and Julie-Kathleen Langan on ActorsE Chat
Eric Shapiro and Julie-Kathleen Langan on ActorsE Chat

Eric Shapiro is a filmmaker, screenwriter, author, and ghostwriter. His first feature film, RULE OF THREE (2010), was released to iTunes and Netflix after winning Best Actor at the Fantasia International Film Festival and Best Acting Performance at Shriekfest. His recently completed feature film, LIVING THINGS, has been endorsed by PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals) and is due for release by Cinema Libre Studio in 2014. He wrote the books LOVE & ZOMBIES (2013), THE DEVOTED (2012), STORIES FOR THE END OF THE WORLD (2010), and SHORT OF A PICNIC (2002). His novella IT’S ONLY TEMPORARY (2005) was on the Preliminary Nominee Ballot for the Bram Stoker Award in Long Fiction. He has had short stories published in fiction anthologies alongside work by Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Chuck Palahniuk, and many others. Eric lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Rhoda Jordan, and their son, Benjamin Shapiro.

Julie-Kathleen Langan’s Website


ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

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