DJ & Author Stephen Aaron Grey (Ant Farm) and host Corianna Di Julio on ActorsE Chat



Freaky Flow was born in 1977 as Stephen Grey in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1979 with his parents, he relocated to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. While attending high school, he began to DJ as a hobby. Eventually it developed into a career while earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Toronto. In 2009, he moved to Los Angeles, California. He has dual citizenship in the United States and Canada.
Stephen Aaron Grey is passionate about liberty. Having traveled the globe as an internationally acclaimed DJ (under the stage name ‘Freaky Flow’), he has come to recognize that freedom works, and control does not. Grey’s Ant Farm expresses these ideas in a creative narrative that anyone can easily understand. With an academic history focused on world religions, to boot, Grey possesses an added cultural sensitivity, which contributes to the universal impact of the philosophies that he holds so dear.

Stephen Aaron Grey Website

Freaky Flow Website

Corianna Di Julio’s IMDb


This episode of ActorsE Chat was co-produced by Pepper Jay Productions LLC and Live Video Inc.

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