Casting Director Terry Berland (Berland Casting) with Host Kurt Kelly on ActorsE Chat


Photo by John Michael Ferrari
Casting Director Terry Berland (Berland Casting) with Host Kurt Kelly on ActorsE Chat

Berland Casting has been successfully casting for nineteen years. They cast commercials, voice overs, animation, informacials, webseries and print. They are a trusted casting company which delivers innovative, inspiring talent to our clients. Ad agencies and production companies include: Crispin, Goodby, Untitled and Smuggler.

Berland Casting’s Website

Kurt Kelly’s Website


ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Productions LLC, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc..

This episode of ActorsE Chat was co-produced by Pepper Jay Productions LLC and Live Video Inc.

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