Actress and acting coach Becca Flinn with Dating and Career Coach Kate Anthony on ActorsE Chat

photo by John Michael Ferrari
Kate Anthony and Becca Flinn with Host Yi Tian on ActorsE Chat

Becca is a full service acting and career consultant
She offers:
Audition Coaching: Directing and Blocking the Scene, Understanding Story, Becoming the Character, Unlocking your most truthful authentic performance, Confidence Building, Auditioning and Nerve Calming Techniques
Full Service Audition Package: Includes the above plus accompanying you to your audition waiting room coaching
Professional Audition Tapes: Includes Coaching, HD Camera, Professional Studio Setting, Editing Footage, Digital Delivery to Agents and Managers, Delivery Formats include Yousendit, Quicktime, Vimeo, Youtube, Eco Cast Uploads,
Career Consultation
One on One Private Acting Sessions
Voice Over Audition Recording

Becca Flinn Acting Coach

Kate is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach* (CPCC), trained and certified by the world-renowned Coaches Training Institute (CTI). She is also trained in Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching by The Center for Right Relationship. Kate is accredited member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and a member of the ICF’s Los Angeles Chapter.
Kate Anthony Life Coach

John Kate Anthony on Twitter: @TheCoachKate

ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

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