ActorsE Chat with actor writer director Brett Glazer and actress model host Katelyn Haynes

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Brett Glazer and Katelyn Haynes on ActorsE Chat
Brett Glazer and Katelyn Haynes on ActorsE Chat

Brett Glazer is an actor and director, known for The Normal Heart (2014), My Name Is Khan (2010) and Feckless (2015). Brett writes, directs and coaches actors and he films and edits actor demo reels and auditions. He directed and produced the film short, “Fectless.” He also play Lenny in the HBO film, THE NORMAL HEART, premiering May 25, 2015.
Brett Glazer on IMDb

Katelyn Haynes on IMDb

Pepper Jay Productions LLC
Pepper Jay Productions LLC

ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production

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