Acting in Style with Supermodel Rapper Actor Sam Sarpong launches his designs: Future Stars

Sam “Future” Sarpong

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Supermodel Sam Sarpong launches his trend-making clothes designs at Scream Famous in Hollywood California. Actors Entertainment caught up with Sam “the Future” Sarpong as well as with Hector David Jr (Actor), Steven Skyler (Actor), Kenneth Hewitt (Stylist), Eric “ EZ” Zuley (Business/Entertainment Consultant), Canan Fraser (Owner of Scream Famous), Kathleen Largent (Designer/Creator of KD LUXE Jewelry), and Isaiah David (Stylist). Sam takes us through the store showing off his new line as well as Kathleen’s Jewelry. Sam talks about how he makes each of his pieces unique as well as custom made for his clients. Sam is given a birthday present containing and chain necklace from Kathleen, which he adores and wears the rest of the night. Kenneth to Sam about how great this line is and that he is in fact going to walk out with one of his jackets. Isaiah David also compliments Sam on his line. Sam tells Steven about how him and his designers can make custom clothes based on just what the person is wearing and what their fashion taste is. Hector makes an appearance and tells Sam how awesome his new clothes in the store are. Sam’s music producers talk about their upcoming record they are releasing called “Smash” as well as congratulate Sam on the amazing accomplishments he is achieving. Canon Fraser, the owner of Scream Fashion, gives us background on how she started the store as well as what inspired her to start it. She also talks a little bit about the different designers she has in the store. Sam then starts to talk about the atmosphere of the store as well.

Acting in Style is a show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

Kathleen Largent and Sam Sarpong
Pepper Jay and Ryan Torres

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