Be Sincere With Patter
Be Sincere With our Patter Patter is the “chit chat” you make with your audience between songs and sometimes during musical introductions and instrumental breaks. Whether it is the thank you after applause and an introduction of the next song or a story about how you made minute rice, be truly interested in sharing the…
Read MoreAudience Psychology is Everything!
Audience Psychology is EVERYTHING! As a singer, audiences can be your greatest allies. Audiences can also occasionally be the trial of your existence. It is essential that you establish basic audience psychology performance skills to better connect with your audience. With practiced skills, you and your audience will form a mutually beneficial relationship regardless of…
Read MoreWhat is a song performance coach?
Hi! Welcome back to Dynamic Song Performance. I’m Pepper Jay What is a Song Performance Coach? And, how does a performance coach differ from a voice teacher? The function of a song performance coach is to help the singer excel at each of the vocal, physical & psychological performance skills in the toolbox. The goal…
Read MoreBelievabililty is the key to successful performance
Believability Is the Key to a Successful Singing Performance A song is more than words and music. To be successful, a singing performance, just like an acting performance, must be believable. A true entertainer will transform a song into a total experience to be remembered and pleasantly recalled for a lifetime. To achieve believability, song…
Read MoreHow Song Performance Skills are Developed
How Song Performance Skills are DevelopedIn general, there are 3 steps: 1) Learn Your Craft. Like anything else worth learning, song performance skills take practice. Practice often. Put in the time and effort necessary not just to be good, but to be excellent … wow them! 2) Explore Your Inner Universe. You are capable of…
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