TradeVine Entertainment News Highlights for Week Ending November 29th

Welcome to the TradeVine, a weekly show on Actors Reporter highlighting the entertainment news articles you may have missed during the week from the entertainment Trades, such as The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, and Backstage.

Back Stage, November 27th – The One True Thing Actors Must Always Remember to Do, by Anthony Meindl.
one thing actors must do

Breakthroughs in life occur at the feeling level. That’s the beginning and end of it. If you want to evolve, grow, face your fears, reach new heights, and become the kind of artist you know you can become, you have to feel your way there. Your feelings don’t have to be pretty, or together, or understood by others. They don’t even have to make sense. Then, you have to be brave enough to communicate those feelings to someone else. When you feel vulnerable, exposed, scared, and intimidated—that’s not just the call to acting, that’s the call to life itself.

Hollywood Reporter, November 26th –’s L.A. Projects Makeover: Homes to Promote Health, by Alexandria Abramian.
LA makeover photo

The musician/philanthropist’s newest project for Delos’ WELL-Access program provides a healthy makeover for homes. When met Delos co-founder Morad Fareed, he instantly responded to the concept of how homes can promote health. Morad took the time to educate the Foundation team about how buildings can make people healthier. said he’s on a mission to enhance his hometown neighborhood of Boyle Heights, including helping to make Estrada Courts, the public housing project where he grew up, a healthier and more comfortable place to live.

Variety, November 27th – Golden Globes Beats Emmys to the Punch Honoring New TV, by Brian Lowry.
golden globes beat emmys photo

If the Golden Globes earned their spurs as a bellwether for the Oscars, the relationship between the January ceremony and TV has potentially become equally intriguing. While the Hollywood Foreign Press Assn. hasn’t been quite so reliably on the same page as the Motion Picture Academy in recent years, the ability of Globes voters to weigh in on new programs eight months in advance of the Emmys has allowed them to pounce more quickly, in a “what’s hot?” manner well suited to our caffeinated culture, on series, which are especially eager for such validation. In addition, the timing lets the Globes identify programs just as they are taking off, honoring “Homeland” almost immediately after its first 12-episode season ended. Still, given all the praise heaped on TV these days, the Globes find themselves with an especially good opportunity to achieve what remains their top selling point: The bragging rights that come from the coveted perception of being even a step or two ahead of the curve.

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The TradeVine is a weekly entertainment news highlights show on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.