Tips From Larry Namer – an American Media Entrepreneur in China

Recent recipient of the Aaron Spelling award,” Entertainment and media entrepreneur Larry Namer chats with Actors Reporter host Yi Tian about his start in cable television, his co founding E! Entertainment, and his current company Metan Entertainment and its many shows in China. Larry shares some insider scoops about his new show, China Girl, based on Gossip Girl, and his new TV show Return to Da Fu Tsun, about a rags-to-riches family trying find to keep good old fashioned values no matter their social climb. And, he provides tips on how to write TV shows for foreign markets, even being an American.

Yi Tian continues her exclusive interview with Larry Namer with an explanation of his TV shows Hello! Hollywood Chinas, Eye on the Industry and the most popular web series Planet Homebodies, a interesting mix of Big Bang Theory and Friends meets Chinese young adults in a co-op living situation. Larry Namer also recounts some of his latest achievements and some adorable guilty pleasures he found in China and brought back home. Larry share where Metan is going in the future and its new multi-platform writing style; the same style being used on Physic, a Canadian TV Show, to keep their viewers entertained in-between their weekly episodes and seasons breaks.
Mr. Namer’s latest venture, Metan Development Group (Metan) was created to develop and distribute entertainment content and media specifically for Chinese speaking audiences in China and abroad. Namer’s partners on this venture are entertainment industry veteran Martin Pompadur and Amerilink founder Jean Zhang. Metan’s most notable projects include Hello! Hollywood!, a weekly entertainment news series tailored to Chinese audiences, offering up the latest in celebrity and lifestyle news, and covering the most glamorous red carpet events and award shows. Since its launch in summer 2009, the series is now available on over 40 television stations reaching more than 250 million households throughout China. Metan also launched the series’ premier content on 10 of China’s top online portals in 2010, adding 360 million Chinese netizens to its program reach. Additionally, he serves as Senior Advisor, Strategic Development to Eurocinema On Demand, the only 24/7 on demand foreign film channel now available in 36 million homes via cable and satellite in North America.
Launched in 2009, Metan Development Group LLC (Metan) is a venture created to develop and distribute entertainment content and media specifically for international markets. The company’s founders are entertainment industry veteran Martin Pompadur, E! Entertainment Television co-founder Larry Namer and Amerilink founder Jean Zhang.
For more information on Metan Development Group please visit Metan Development
Interviews is a show on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.