The TradeVine – Entertainment Trade Article Highlights – October 25th, 2019
Welcome to the TradeVine whose purpose is to encourage the entertainment industry to read their trades: Variety, Backstage, Hollywood Reporter, etc. Enjoy learning about your industry.
Each Friday, The TradeVine seeks out a few of the informative trade articles you may have missed. Please visit the trade, itself, for the entire article.

Backstage – 6 Signs You’re Meant to Be an Actor, By Michelle Danner
When children are growing up, they are often encouraged to take part in the school play or musical. Acting is a good thing to explore. If you were an ebullient, outgoing, or social child, you may have heard, “You are a natural born actor.” But if you were shy or more reserved, you may have heard, “Why don’t you take an acting class? It will help you be more comfortable in front of people.” These can be experiences that mark you and give you the taste for being an actor. Right then and there you could have gotten hooked by the acting bug and thought, I want to be an actor when I grow up. But how do you know if you are really meant to pursue a career in acting?
As you keep dealing with the obstacles that an acting career offers, you have to keep asking yourself, is this your purpose? Are you meant to go on this roller coaster?
Here are six irrefutable signs that you are meant to act:
1. You want to act all of the time.
You wake up in the morning and all you think about all day every day is acting. You keep hearing that magic calling that gnaws at your gut. You learn about why you want to act all the time. You know that if you don’t use yourself as an actor, you deny your humanity. You feel that fire in your gut to express yourself artistically. What you have to say is greater than the result, the paycheck, the recurring contract, the quote, or the awards. You are invested in the journey. You book work or you create it yourself!
Because the need to work is as necessary as drinking water and breathing every day. Read Entire Article Here

The Hollywood Reporter – ‘Countdown’: Film Review, By John DeFore
If you were going to die next week, would you give 90 of your remaining minutes to this?
Justin Dec’s debut thriller imagines a phone app that tells you when you’ll die, then gets angry if you try avoiding your fate.
Do we really need to invent more reasons to hate our phones? Or to feel stupid about all those terms-of-use “agreements” we click “yes” to without reading? In Justin Dec’s Countdown, the Devil has written a killer app, and deleting it is almost as hard as getting Google to let go of your personal data. A pedestrian thriller whose personal-tech gimmick is even more thinly imagined than one might guess, it’s a jumble of cheap jump scares made watchable by likable leads Elizabeth Lail and Jordan Calloway. Read Entire Article Here

Variety – Colin Firth, Stanley Tucci Love Story ‘Supernova’ Closes Multiple Sales, By Leo Barraclough
“Supernova,” a romance starring Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci as a longtime couple on a road trip, has inked a raft of early distribution deals after having just wrapped a six-week shoot in England’s scenic Lake District.
The Bureau Sales has sold Harry Macqueen’s new feature to territories including the U.K. (Studiocanal), Germany and Austria (Weltkino), Japan (Culture Entertainment), Benelux (Cineart), Taiwan (Catchplay), Penny Black (Airlines) and Scandinavia (Scanbox). The Bureau Sales will shop the film further at AFM next month.
The movie marks actor Macqueen’s second feature as a director following his highly regarded debut, “Hinterland,” in 2014. “Supernova” centers on Sam (Firth) and Tusker (Tucci), partners of 20 years, who are traveling across England in their old RV visiting friends, family and places from their past. Since Tusker was diagnosed with early-onset dementia two years ago, their time together is the most important thing they have. Read Entire Article Here
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