The TradeVine – Entertainment Trade Article Highlights – June 21st, 2019
Welcome to the TradeVine whose purpose is to encourage the entertainment industry to read their trades: Variety, Backstage, Hollywood Reporter, etc. Enjoy learning about your industry.
Each Friday, The TradeVine seeks out a few of the informative trade articles you may have missed. Please visit the trade, itself, for the entire article.

Backstage – 6 Ways to Stay on the Right Side of a Casting Director, By Angela Peters
Casting directors are like the little man in Emerald City. They hold the magic key to eternal happiness! OK, well not quite, but they’re still quite important in any actor’s career. Every actor knows or should know, the importance of making an excellent impression and staying on the casting director’s right side without too much communication, endless emails, and oversharing. After all, no one likes a stalker.
There are ways to get noticed and stay on a CD’s right side for the right reasons. It’s about being tactical rather than desperate. It’s about ensuring you give a professional vibe rather than an amateurish one. It’s about being creative and clever rather than stalky and needy.
Want a few ideas? Here are some ways you can use ensure a CD will want to see you again—or perhaps even want to get you in the room for the first time. Read Entire Article Here

The Hollywood Reporter – ‘Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club’: Film Review, By Frank Scheck
The Bottom Line: A deliciously droll and macabre feminist fairy tale.
A women’s literary club has a secret murderous agenda in Guilhad Emilio Schenker’s darkly comic horror film.
Israeli filmmaker Guilhad Emilio Schenker’s debut feature is a gothic horror comedy about a women’s literary society that lures men to their weekly readings with the purpose of murdering them, grinding them up into hot dogs and serving them at the local park.
Did I mention it’s also a love story?
There were no spoilers in the opening paragraph, since the nefarious goings-on at the titular institution are revealed early on in the film. Aside from its novel premise, however, Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club proves a darkly witty effort that weaves insightful observations about female sexuality and aging into its provocative mix. A huge commercial success in its native country, the film is now receiving a limited theatrical release on these shores and, considering its juicy opportunities for actresses of a certain age, seems a shoo-in for an American remake. Read Entire Article Here

Variety – Academy Museum Opening Delayed Again to 2020, By Gene Maddaus
The opening date of the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures has been delayed again, this time to an unspecified date in 2020.
The museum, now under construction at the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue, has long been beset by delays and cost overruns. In December 2018, the Academy announced that it would open in one year, and until recently the Academy was sticking to the promise that it would open in 2019.
But in a statement on Thursday, the Academy acknowledged that was no longer feasible.
“At every decision point along the way, we have always chosen the path that would enhance the structure, even if that meant construction would take more time to complete,” an Academy spokesperson said. “Similarly, when we were presented with opportunities to expand the scope of our exhibitions, interior spaces, and collection for the visitor experience, we have embraced them. As we continue working through the permitting process and move closer to completion, we are weighing the overall schedule for major industry events in 2020, and on this basis will choose the optimal moment for our official opening.” Read Entire Article Here
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The TradeVine is a weekly article on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.