The TradeVine – Entertainment Trade Article Highlights – August 23rd, 2019

Welcome to the TradeVine whose purpose is to encourage the entertainment industry to read their trades: Variety, Backstage, Hollywood Reporter, etc. Enjoy learning about your industry.

Each Friday, The TradeVine seeks out a few of the informative trade articles you may have missed. Please visit the trade, itself, for the entire article.

Backstage – How to Motivate the Unmotivated Teen Actor, By Jackie Reid

As parents, we always want to help our children achieve their dreams. As parents of performers, this can become especially difficult when kids hit their teens and become harder to motivate. I get it: motivating your teen or pre-teen actor can be tough!

Adolescents are juggling a lot, particularly in today’s social media-packed world. They are managing new emotions, more demanding school work, extracurricular activities, friends, and their jobs as actors.

So it’s not unusual if they start resisting running lines for an audition, being less excited about an opportunity, and even talking about quitting the business. Try as you might, all too often parents find that their words of encouragement and reason fall on deaf ears.

Not to worry, though; this is extremely common. With some simple tips, there are ways to get their passion back on track and understand exactly why they may seem so resistant! Read Entire Article Here

The Hollywood Reporter – Gary Busey, Set to Play God, Believes “There Is No Death”, By Seth Abramovitch

Two decades after a motorcycle crash that “turned his personality up to 11,” the Oscar nominee and icon of unhinged aggression (in film and on YouTube) has become a foulmouthed Malibu mystic about to star in a new off-Broadway musical, ‘Only Human,’ playing “The Boss” in a corporatized version of heaven.

In a townhouse in a gated community in Malibu, Gary Busey, 75, is posing behind his cluttered desk for a photographer. The process is not as simple as it sounds. Once considered one of Hollywood’s most promising leading men after his Oscar nomination for 1978’s The Buddy Holly Story, Busey suffered a major head injury in a 1988 motorcycle accident, resulting in an inability to censor himself. “The post-accident version of him turned his personality up to 11,” Jake Busey, Gary’s 48-year-old son and an accomplished actor in his own right (he had a recurring role on Stranger Things’ third season), later explains. “I feel like I lost my dad on December 4, 1988.” Read Entire Article Here

Variety – Film Review: ‘Angel Has Fallen’, By Owen Gleiberman

In the third ‘Fallen’ film, Gerard Butler’s Secret Service agent is on the run from a conspiracy in which the preposterous outpowers the fun.

“Angel Has Fallen” marks the third time that Gerard Butler, as the Secret Service agent and scowling samurai cowboy Mike Banning, has had to rescue the President of the United States from an international conspiracy so cuckoo bananas that the movie barely expects you to believe it. (Actually, in the six years since this series launched, the bar for what people will believe has been lowered. For all I know, fans of the “Fallen” films think they’re based on true stories.) In “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) and “London Has Fallen” (2016), the president was portrayed by Aaron Eckhart, who came off like a testy press secretary from the “West Wing” days. (Eckhart is a good actor with a terse appealing manner, but he’s not exactly presidential.) In “Angel Has Fallen,” the role of Leader of the Free World reverts back to Morgan Freeman, who has played it approximately 47 times — or, at least, it feels that way. Seeing him back in the Oval Office is as comfy and reassuring as slipping into a daydream where Barack
Obama is still president.

Banning is now getting on a bit, suffering from chronic pain caused by a concussion and other woes he secretly medicates, lest anyone, from his wife (Piper Perabo) to the president, ask him to quit. He’s in line for the job of director of the Secret Service, but it’s a desk jockey gig. Butler’s squint tells you how he feels about that one.Read Entire Article Here

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The TradeVine is a weekly article on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.