The TradeVine – Entertainment Trade Article Highlights April 21st

Welcome to the TradeVine whose purpose is to encourage the entertainment industry to read their trades: Variety, Backstage, Hollywood Reporter, etc. Enjoy learning about your industry.

Each Friday, The TradeVine seeks out a few of the informative trade articles you may have missed. Please visit the trade, itself, for the entire article.

Backstage – Find Your Breath: How to Stay Grounded + Centered When Things Get Crazy, by Kristin Calabria

The scene: You’re sitting in the casting office waiting to be called in for the lead role of a feature film. You’ve been practicing your lines with the dog you walk, both of your roommates, your barista, best friend, and acting coach. You showed up at 10 a.m. for an 11 a.m. appointment and have to make it to your day job by 11:45. Your boss has written you up twice before for being late. It’s 11:12 and if you don’t make it on time, you’ll definitely be fired. You’re $300 short for rent that’s due tomorrow.
And on and on goes the mind chatter.
Especially when the stakes are high, our minds fixate on the worst possible outcomes, the ground feels like it’s crumbling beneath you, and the very last thing you’re able to do is focus on the audition at hand. So how do calm your nerves and focus your mind? How do you let go of all of the distractions so that you can do the best job possible in the audition room?
The solution: Pranayama, the regulation of the breath. Whether you’re about to go on stage or walk into an audition, I’ll guide you through a breathing and centering exercise to help focus your energy, reclaim your ground, and connect to the present moment.
Close your eyes and notice how you’re feeling in this moment. Let’s start with the physical body: Is there holding in your jaw, behind your eyes, in your shoulders. or hips? Notice if this physical tension might correspond to tension or holding in the mind.
Are there thoughts that, try as you might, keep coming up that are not serving you in this moment? Instead of pretending they don’t exist, embrace them. Note that “this is a way my mind thinks but it is not the only way.” Read Entire Artice Here

The Hollywood Reporter – Lisa Paulsen Steps Down as CEO of Entertainment Industry Foundation After 27 Years, by Chris Gardner

The veteran philanthropy executive is shifting to a more specific role within the foundation to focus on “critical development and talent relations efforts.” Lisa Paulsen, one of Hollywood’s highest-profile and longest-serving philanthropy executives, is exiting her post as president and CEO of the Entertainment Industry Foundation after a 27-year run. Paulsen, 61, has elected to step down and segue to a more specific role that will free her from the day-to-day churn of executive and administrative demands of the job while allowing her to focus on her “true passions” — EIF development, fundraising and talent relations.
During Paulsen’s tenure, EIF raised over $1 billion for its initiatives addressing important health, educational and social causes. Paulsen announced her decision to step down Wednesday afternoon to EIF staff, which includes 51 full-time employees, most of whom work out of the organization’s headquarters in Los Angeles. (There’s a small staff in New York City.) Read Entire Artice Here

Variety – Film Review: Katherine Heigl in ‘Unforgettable’, by Peter Debruge

Katherine Heigl is terrific playing against type as a psycho ex in a thriller that isn’t memorable enough to deserve the performance.

When Nat King Cole sang “Unforgettable,” he meant the word as a compliment. Not so the Hollywood movie of the same name, in which two crazy exes refuse to be ignored as they attempt to ruin Rosario Dawson’s wedding — one, played by Katherine Heigl, so icily sociopathic that it’s too bad the borderline-campy movie wasn’t willing to go full tilt into B-movie “psycho-Barbie” territory.

A strange choice of directorial debut for longtime Tim Burton enabler Denise Di Novi (whose credits include producing “Heathers,” “Edward Scissorhands” and “Crazy, Stupid, Love”), “Unforgettable” is anything but what its title suggests, dissipating into vapor as soon as the credits roll. But it’s tawdry “Sleeping With the Enemy”-style fun while it lasts, boasting a better cast and splashier production values than the next closest Lifetime movie, while being so ridiculous at times that audiences can’t help but talk back to the screen. Read Entire Artice Here

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The TradeVine is a weekly article on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.