SHRAGI THEATER – with Rev Shragi / comedy from Israel

SHRAGI THEATER was created by Yoel Shraga Charch, known as Rev Shragi.

In Shragi Theater, a multi-stage performance: the play opens with a certain character and suddenly a complete new character appears on the stage, each time using a different trick, for example: He goes into a cave , on the stage – the audience can hear him in a resonant voice, and the feeling is that he is on the stage, but the audience don’t know that he actually went backstage and changed his costume quickly. Also In some of the performances there is a full human size poppet, a duplicate of one of the characters. And, along the way there is also an interaction between the ‘characters’, whom of course all played by the same one player . one of his techniques is the ventriloquism when the lips are not moving and when player no.2 is on the stage acting you can hear player no. 1 talk to him through a window or a door in the scenery.
Each character has its own accent, other style and a different body language … but all the ‘actors’ has of course something similar in their face, so the children can not understand: are they twins or triplet? Is this a number of players or only one? There is a kind of magic … We use to hear exiting arguments and whispers about it ,throughout the performance. Some of the children try to pay attention to the shoes to see if each player has different shoes and therefore there are also changes of shoes)
Today, the theater’s repertoire has also a new show with two real actors together and they use same unique techniques, the results are double.
In addition to the unique style, the play’s stories are all original and unfamiliar, surprising, different and unique, and there is also a unique combination of different play styles that harmonize to a single, colorful unit. combine drama, humor, pantomime and even light acrobatics.
Reb Shragi tries to reach every child in the audience of any age and at any level, and is especially connects with special children and kids with disabilities – they enter the first! Get discounts or free tickets, sit in the front row and Reb Shargi calls them ‘my friends’. they feel like VIP , for example: only they have permission to go talk to the player after the show.
No less important than what gift R. shragi gives those children by this gestures – is the fact that his fans get an example how to behave with different people.
A group of this special kids already formed around him: disabled kids, blind kids (that even that they not see the show they live it by listening, a child who can only move his eyes, Down Syndrome, cancer patients, R. Shragi also volunteers and go to visit ‘his friends’ in the hospital with his poppets to make them happy.
Some other details about the SHRAGI THEATER shows:
• for children ages 6-13, but adults enjoy no less
each show an hour (in which the children do not move from the chair)
• verity of 7 shows
• All the plays have an educational message
• The child comes out at the end of the show with a culture, a smile, and a lesson and a message for a better life.
SHARGI THEATER consists of 7 different shows:
For more of Shragi Theater, please visit http://WWW.SHRAGI.CO.IL
Shragi Theater is shared by Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.