Movie Reviews by Sandro Monetti – May I Kill U?

Rated: 3 out of 5

May I kill U?
May I kill U?

Part Dirty Harry, part Judge Dredd, all English…Barry Vartis is a London cop who goes above and beyond the call of duty by being judge, jury and executioner to the evil criminals he captures.

This clever British black comedy film sees the previously mild mannered policeman transformed into a vigilante after suffering a bang on the head.

In lesser hands, such material could steer wildly off course, but luckily, likeable and talented comedy actor Kevin Bishop (from ABC sitcom Super Fun Night) is in the lead role and manages to keep the audience’s sympathy on the side of his unhinged character even as the dead bodies pile up.

Kevin Bishop
Kevin Bishop

The fact that British police officers don’t carry guns makes the killings increasingly inventive as Barry must find new ways to bump of the bad guys.

Frances Barber adds fantastic support as his oddball mother in a movie which is most unusual, sometimes uncomfortable but definitely memorable.

May I Kill U? has been playing at Hollywood’s Arena Cinema, a fun and comfortable venue which is rapidly becoming LA’s new home for interesting independent cinema.

RATING: 3 out of 5.

Sandro’s movie rating system:

1 out of 5 Terrible. Bomb.

2 out of 5 Disappointing/dull.

3 out of 5 Good. Solid movie.

4 out of 5 Very good.

5 out of 5 Excellent. Instant classic.

Sandro Monetti
Sandro Monetti

Movie Reviews by Sandro Monetti on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors
Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.