Movie Review by Sandro Monetti – Nightcrawler

NIGHTCRAWLER – “Jake Gyllenhaal’s best yet”
– Theatre Review by Sandro Monetti

RATING: 4 out of 5

Jake Gyllenhaal gets the best role of his career so far and wrings every delicious moment from it as Lou Bloom, the creepiest figure in TV news.

He’s a freelance videographer who listens out for death and disaster on police radios then dashes to accident and crime scenes where he uses some most unethical methods to get first footage of the bleeding victims.

Rene Russo is great too as a morning news show boss with a lust for ratings and blood who happily pays for the disturbing images captured on his camera without really asking or caring how he came by them.

It’s all a very clever comment on modern media and society and the desperation of individuals on the fringes of both.

We don’t get to learn much about Bloom’s past but that doesn’t really matter because riding along with him in his fast paced present is so thrilling and chilling.

After seeing this film, you’ll never watch local TV news crime reports the same way again.

RATING: 4 out of 5.

Sandro’s movie rating system:

1 out of 5 Terrible. Bomb.

2 out of 5 Disappointing / dull.

3 out of 5 Good. Solid movie.

4 out of 5 Very good.

5 out of 5 Excellent. Instant classic.

Brits in LA Book

Photo of Sandro by Dawn Bowery from the book California Dreaming: Brits in LA Book

Movie Reviews by Sandro Monetti on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.