Magical Motivation – Creating Goal-Setting Breakthroughs with Empowerment Coach Jaime Kalman

Empowerment coach Jaime Kalman teaches how to create goal-setting breakthroughs using the universal law of cause and effect. There are 5 steps one can use in a practical way to achieve this:
1. Look specifically at the results you are currently creating in your life: take inventory.
2. Ask yourself: how do I feel about the actions that I’m taking that are creating the current results. What actions am I taking? Not taking? What is the image I have of myself when taking those actions?
4. How are you talking about your goals.
3. Take responsibility for your results. Own it: both the good and the bad.
4. Declare how things are going to be from now on: these are the feelings you will feel; these are the thoughts you will think; this is the way you are going to talk about your goals; these are the actions you are going to take.
5. Just do it… take the first step … whatever is right in front of you to do.
The results are the “effect” and the thoughts and feels are the “cause;” what is driving the behavior.
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Magical Motivation is a monthly show on Actors Reporter, an entertainment only trade magazine and channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.