Little Fish in a Big Pond … a support guide for actors
Welcome to the introduction of “Little Fish in a Big Pond … a support guide for actors,” a series of video articles based on the book of the same title by Lizzie Maxwell.
Little Fish is a book for people with dreams of becoming a professional actor. This is a support guide for on how to deal with situations that will come up in your life as an actor or would-be-actor.
To be an actor is a special calling. It’s special in the fact that it is one of the only professional paths a person can follow which has no ending, and very possibly, little financial reward. Whether or not we’re “in the money,” we must find happiness in our struggle from audition to the next. Enjoy the journey. This is not always easy since we live in a civilization based on economics and status. More than 90% of all actors registered with the Screen Actor’s Guild make less than $7,500 per year. Still want to be an actor?
As actors, we want to be acting which is difficult when we have bills, a family to support, rent to pay, day jobs, night jobs, etc. In most cases, we as actors, live two lives. One, dedicated to our career choice, the other dedicated to our welfare, and that of our families. It is a sacrifice that actors must prepare for. It is not always easy to keep a strong sense of self-worth if you’re meeting with rejection on a day-to-day basis. It’s called the audition process it often goes with the territory.
In this webcast article, learn some beginning tips on how to survive the journey to professional actordom (new word?).
Let’s make it about the work, continue to learn our craft, and manage to keep our chins up when we are between jobs and life seems at its lowest – congratulations, we should be proud to call ourselves actors.
Stay tuned for our next issue’s video article of “Little Fish in a Big Pond,” entitled, “Get on a Bus and Go Home.” And, follow your dreams.
LITTLE FISH IN A BIG POND – A SUPPORT GUIDE FOR ACTORS is a compilation of interviews with people currently working in the industry… casting directors, agents, acting coaches – plus advice from other struggling actors.
It also contains humorous stories of Lizzie Maxwell’s own journey, and the experiences she’s had in this
business. [Order]