Exclusive Interview with famed actor and world champion Don the Dragon Wilson

Eleven time World Kick-Boxing Champion Don the Dragon Wilson has been in over 30 action adventure films talks about his amazing career. Don explains how he went from being a NASA engineer to world champ kick boxer then actor.

Thank you Don “The Dragon” Wilson for taking the time out of your busy schedule for this exclusive interview of your life. We look forward for more to come!

For more information on Don “The Dragon” Wilson please visit:
For more information on actress, model, and Female World Grappling Champion Christie Philips please visit: http://www.christiephilips.com/index2.php
Thank you John Michael Ferrari for the photos of Don and Christie Philips. http://imagesbyferrari.com/
Interviews is a show on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.