Dairy’s Weight-Loss Secrets

The Real Skinny on Dairy’s Weight-Loss Secrets

Today let’s talk about The Real Skinny on Dairy’s Weight-Loss Secrets, from page 73 of Christine’s book, “Skinny Chicks Don’t Eat Salads…Stop starving, Start Eating…And Losing!”

According to two research studies from the University of Tennessee’s Nutrition Institute, calcium in dairy products can offer a mega-boost to your weight loss strategy. In one study, 32 obese women and men who cut 500 calories from their usual daily intake lost more weight when they added 800 milligrams of supplemental calicium daily. They also shed more fat when they were put on a diet that included 1,200 to 1,300 milligrams of calcium. In the other study, 34 obese people on a diet that included three servings of yogurt a day lost more body fat than a similar group who had only one serving.

With good nutrition you will like the way you look and you’ll LOVE the way you feel!