Championship Networking Tip – Always Carry Your Business Cards

Always Carry Your Business Cards

Carry your business cards regardless of where you are, but never waste them. They were not free, and there is no reason to be cavalier. It does nothing for your image. Furthermore, make sure you receive a card from everyone you meet, and write down the date, name of the event, and a few key words about the person to prepare for a follow-up.

Incidentally, keep your business cards white, and not glossy. If you disregard this valuable piece of advice, sure, you can create a great looking card. However, there is nowhere for your new contact to write information about you.

There is a notable exception, though. The Japanese find writing on a business card insulting. Be mindful.

And, remember, the way you do anything is the way you do everything!

Championship Networking is a column on Actors Reporter, a site on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.