Actors Day in LA – Cross Training Fitness with Actor David Bianchi

Actor David Bianchi takes us through a day in his life outside of acting. For David, staying physically fit is key. He explains that through doing his exercises, you, too, can quickly burn fat and build muscle. David believes in looking at fitness from an inside out perspective, focusing on core exercises versus just lifting weights in the gym. The beauty of David’s work out regime is that it works your entire body using only the weight of your body versus weights in the gym. He explains that not only is working out important, but eating healthy is just as important. David offers his services for free, located at the Van Nuys-Sherman Oaks War Memorial Park in Van Nuys, California, and for anyone who would like to show up!
David Bianchi and Javicia Leslie
Actors Day in L.A. is a show on Actors Reporter, a channel of the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.