Actors Day in LA – Actors Anita Briem, Christopher Backus and Michael Mercurio and writer producer Marc Rosenberg on making of film, Elevator

Anita Briem (“Journey to the Center of the Earth,” “The Tudors”) , Christopher Backus (Hard Breakers, Mineville), Michael Mercurio (God Complex, Fixing Rhonda). And multi-award winning writer Marc Rosenberg talk about how it was to shoot the feature length “Elevator” 12 hours a day with 9 actors in an elevator.

Elevator was directed by Stig Svendsen, written by Marc Rosenberg, edited by Thomas Lovig with original music by Herman Christoffersen and Bjornar Johnsen.

Elevator is also staring John Getz, Shirley Knight Devin Ratray, Joey Slotnick, Tehmina Sunny, Waleed Zuaiter, Amanda Pace, Rachel Pace (the 10 year old twins both play the role of Madeline Barton), Heather Howe, Stephen Wozniak, Gary Ambrosia, and Anthony Backman.

For a complete cast and crew visit Elevator on IMDb:


Actors Day in LA is at Actors Reporter, part of the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.