Exclusive Interview with Jeff Mudgett, author of Bloodstains and Emmy-Nominated actor Kim Estes

Kim Estes of the Actors Reporter interviews Jeff Mudgett, author of Bloodstains. Jeff found out that he was related to Jack the Ripper and decided to look into that famous villain.
[video mp4=”https://actorsreporter.com/wp-content/themes/bb-theme-child/videos/interviews/30_Interviews_Jeff_Mudget_Part_1.mp4″]
[video mp4=”https://actorsreporter.com/wp-content/themes/bb-theme-child/videos/interviews/30_Interviews_Jeff_Mudget_Part_2.mp4″]

It was revealed to Jeff one night by his grandmother at a family dinner that the family is actually related to one of the most prolific serial killers that has ever existed: Herman Webster Mudgett, otherwise known as H. H. Holmes.
Jeff then went on to uncover the history behind his lineage and to see if his life was paved by the actions of this relative. However as he uncovered more about Holme’s life, the more complex Jeff’s became, leading to more questions that needed to be answered.
As more answers were uncovered, Jeff discovered similarities between Holme’s handwriting in comparison to the infamous criminal Jack the Ripper – a criminal so prolific that he inspired famous film serial killers such as Hannibal Lecter (as portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon). It was later confirmed by an expert that the handwriting was indeed one and the same.
Kim and Jeff ventured down to Holme’s “Murder Castle” in Chicago, where Holmes committed his ghastly torture methods and killings. It is the most haunted place on earth, given warnings by the locals as well as a film crew that was unable to stay for more than one night, refusing to return. To this day, H. H. Holmes still remains the one of the first, and if not largest, serial killer that has ever existed.
For more information on the book, you can visit www.Amazon.com or visit www.BloodStainsTheBook.com
Interviews is a show on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.