Actors Day in LA – Want to Know About SIN? Playhouse West
Actors Reporter interviews actors Elena Fabri, Vito Viscuso, Tim Coultas, Lance Delgado, Holly Clapham, and Jason Fox, of Playhouse West Repertory Theatre, who appear in the play SIN, by Wendy Macleod, at the Playhouse West Repertory Theater in West Hollywood.
Set in San Francisco on the eve of the earthquake of 1989, SIN is a contemporary morality play featuring “Avery Bly on High,” a helicopter traffic reporter who is trying to keep herself above life’s messiness. Avery says, “From the sky, the world is perfect,” but on the ground she is surrounded by people who are less than perfect. Her soon-to-be-ex-husband is a charming alcoholic, her roommate is a glutton, she’s trapped daily in a helicopter with an envious coworker, and her blind dates are disasters. It takes her dying brother to make her see that pride is the deadliest of sins, and it takes an Act of God to bring her back down to Earth.
Playhouse West Repertory Theater
10634 Magnolia Blvd , North Hollywood, CA 91602
(One block West of Cahuenga)
Through December 13th
For reservations:
Elena Fabri – Avery Bly
Lance Delgado – Sloth
Rock Benoit – Lust
Brad Hasemeyer – Greed
Holly Clapham – Gluttony
Vito Viscuso – Envy
Jason Fox – Wrath
Tim Coultas – Pride
Written by: Wendy Macleod
Directed by: Tony Savant
Lights Sound – Michael Miraula and Tadamori Yagi
Set change Crew – Tony Dang, Januari Simpson, Joel Slabo, Andrew Crownover,
Alexander Aquino, Doren Fein, Jeremy Woodland, Vince Peagler, and Danny Jordan.
Box office – Amanda Moore, and Ciera Parrack
Set design – Tim Coultas
Music – Holly Clapham
Playhouse West is a training ground for actors, writers and directors founded by Robert Carnegie and Jeff Goldblum in 1981. As an adjunct to our on-going acting classes, we produce plays in repertory at all three of our studios, using exclusively our current students, which are directed by Playhouse West staff members and students.
Playhouse West is the original home of Sanford Meisner’s Los Angeles classes, where he taught beginning in 1987 until the end of his teaching career. During this period Mr. Meisner continued to evolve his technique, adding new exercises and approaches. Only the Playhouse West teachers experienced these advances of one of the Master teachers of acting. So, the Playhouse West approach is completely unique in that it incorporates these innovations to Mr. Meisner’s work, as well as being one of the very few teaching institutions that experienced first-hand instruction from Mr. Meisner himself.
For more information about Playhouse West, including auditing information, please visit the Playhouse West website or contact Robert Carnegie at: (818) 881-6520.
Actors Day in LA is a show on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.