Thespian Thoughts Theatre Review – Off the King’s Road

Theatre Review by SANDRO MONETTI – Thespian Thoughts Theatre Review – “Off the King’s Road” at the Odyssey Theatre
“Funny, poignant and profound”

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Lonely and retired American businessman Matt Browne has packed all he will need for a solo vacation in London…a good book, a bag of clothes and a blow up doll.

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It’s when that last item makes an appearance that this funny, poignant and profound play kicks into gear and you’re never sure what’s coming next.

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Before act one is over, Matt (played by Tom Bower) has encountered an East European prostitute, an eccentric cat lady and an obsequious concierge at the boutique hotel where he is staying.

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You’ll have no idea where this story of self discovery is going next but that’s part of the fun of a most engaging and interesting first full length play by Neil Koenigsberg.

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The playwright has an interesting back story himself having been a leading publicist, producer and manager in Hollywood and he pulled in accomplished actress Amy Madigan, a former client, to direct the play. She does a terrific job, especially in drawing good
performances from every member of her cast and creating a most authentic sense of place.

Off The King’s Road

Written by Neil Koenigsberg

Directed by Amy Madigan

At Odyssey Theatre, 2055 S. Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles California 90025

Performances Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 2pm thru August 2nd, 2015

Tickets priced $25 and $30 available from (323) 960 7712 or

Cast: Tom Bower, Casey Kramer, Thaddeus Shafer, Michael Uribes, Maria Zyrianova.

• Publicity by Lucy Pollak

Lucy Pollak
Lucy Pollak

Thespian Thoughts is a theatre review article on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

Pepper Jay Productions LLC
Pepper Jay Productions LLC

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